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UNWALTZ Á l'ombre de la Jeune Fille
Choreography - Piece Le sacre du printemps 2023
Creation 2023. In this version of the « rite of spring », a bridge is created between the original form of the work and a possible reinterpretation, a «translation » that does not seek to break with the heritage, but rather to read it, interpret it and mobilise our imagination towards a rediscovered vitality. Like all rites, the ‘Rite’ imagined by the brilliant Stravinsky-Nijinsky duo perpetuates the human dynamics that animate our ancestral traditions, but which, in other forms, also guide the reading we can make of our confused times, which seem to need rites and sacrifices.
Choreography Mathieu Guilhaumon
Dramaturgy Millaray Lobos Garcia
Set and costumes Zorra Vargas